Become a partner

Would you like to become a partner of the Order or its groups in order to reach CPA members and future CPAs?

With the goal of making it easier to process your request, please fill out this form to introduce your organization and tell us what your needs are.

- Request reviews are governed by the Partnership agreement guideline with the CPA Order and its groups, which explains the request eligibility and evaluation criteria.
- You will receive a confirmation of receipt when your form has been received. Please plan on a processing time of 10 business days for your request.
We wish to collect this information so that we can answer your partnership request. Since some of the requested information is personal, please refer to our Partnership agreement guideline (in French only) for more information about how we handle such information.

Part 1 - Identification of the organization and the resource person

Part 2 – Details of the request

Which partnership category(ies) interest(s) you?
Nous joindre

5, Place Ville Marie, bureau 800, Montréal (Québec)  H3B 2G2
T. 514 288-3256  1 800 363-4688

© Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec